
Three runners Adam, Ben, and Charles all start at the same time for a 24 km race, and each of them runs at a constant speed. When Adam finishes the race, Ben is 8 km behind, and Charles is 12 km behind. When Ben finishes the race, how far behind is Charles, in km?

 Jan 18, 2020

Three runners Adam, Ben, and Charles all start
at the same time for a 24 km race,
and each of them runs at a constant speed.
When Adam finishes the race, Ben is 8 km behind, and Charles is 12 km behind.
When Ben finishes the race, how far behind is Charles, in km?


Formula \(s=v*t\)

\(\begin{array}{|lrcll|} \hline (1) & 24~\text{km} &=& v_{Adam}*t_{Adam} \\ (2) & 24~\text{km}-8~\text{km} &=& v_{Ben}*t_{Adam} \\ &\mathbf{ v_{Ben}} &=& \mathbf{\dfrac{16}{t_{Adam}} } \\\\ (3) & 24~\text{km}-12~\text{km} &=& v_{Charles}*t_{Adam} \\ & \mathbf{v_{Charles}} &=& \mathbf{ \dfrac{12}{t_{Adam}} } \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline s_{Ben}=24~\text{km} &=& v_{Ben}*t_{Ben} \quad |\quad \mathbf{ v_{Ben}=\dfrac{16}{t_{Adam}} } \\ \\ 24 &=& \dfrac{16}{t_{Adam}}*t_{Ben} \\\\ \dfrac{t_{Ben}}{t_{Adam}} &=& \dfrac{24}{16} \\ \\ \mathbf{ \dfrac{t_{Ben}}{t_{Adam}} } &=& \mathbf{1.5 } \\\\ \hline s_{Charles} &=& v_{Charles}*t_{Ben} \quad |\quad \mathbf{v_{Charles}=\dfrac{12}{t_{Adam}} } \\ \\ s_{Charles} &=& \dfrac{12}{t_{Adam}}*t_{Ben} \\ \\ s_{Charles} &=& 12*\dfrac{t_{Ben} }{t_{Adam}} \quad | \quad \mathbf{ \dfrac{t_{Ben}}{t_{Adam}} = 1.5 } \\\\ s_{Charles} &=& 12* 1.5 \\\\ s_{Charles} &=& 18~\text{km} \\ \hline s_{Ben}-s_{Charles} &=& 24~\text{km}-18~\text{km}\\ \mathbf{s_{Ben}-s_{Charles}} &=& \mathbf{6~\text{km}} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


Charles is \(\mathbf{6~\text{km}}\) behind



 Jan 18, 2020

OK... lets say adam runs at 24 km /hr  finishes in 1 hour

              charles is 12 km behind .....he is only 1/2 way through....must be running  at 12 km/hr   he will finish in 2 hours

                  ben is 8km behind    he has run 16 km in one hour     16 km/hr    he will finish in 1  1/2 hour

                        Charles  done in 2 hours

                               whne Ben finishes Charles is   still  30 minutes behind x 12/km/hr  = 6 km

 Jan 18, 2020

Three runners Adam, Ben, and Charles all start at the same time for a 24 km race, and each of them runs at a constant speed. When Adam finishes the race, Ben is 8 km behind, and Charles is 12 km behind. When Ben finishes the race, how far behind is Charles, in km?


Drei Läufer, Adam, Ben und Charles, starten alle gleichzeitig für ein 24-km-Rennen, und jeder von ihnen läuft mit einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit. Als Adam das Rennen beendet hat, liegt Ben 8 km und Charles 12 km zurück. Wenn Ben das Rennen beendet, wie weit ist Charles zurück.


Hello Guest!


\(v=\frac{s}{t}\\ t=\frac{s}{v}\\ s=vt\)



\(\frac{v_b}{16}=\frac{v_c}{12}\\ v_c=\frac{3}{4}v_b\)


\(\frac{24km}{v_b}=\frac{24km-x}{v_c}\\ \frac{24km}{v_b}=\frac{24km-x}{\frac{3}{4}v_b}\\ 3\cdot 24km=4(24km-x)\\ 72km=96km-4x\\ 4x=(96-72)km\)



Charles is 6km behind.

laugh  !

 Jan 18, 2020

Thanks for all the help! :)

 Jan 18, 2020

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