

 Nov 15, 2016

Best Answer 


We can get the answer to 25 by first finding the distance,d, the plane has traveled for 10:24 to 11PM.....since it has been flying for 36 min...we have that 


d/36 = 17.91/5 


d =36*17.91/ 5 ≈ 128.952 miles


And we can find the (x, y)  coordinates of its terminal point as follows


[ 120cos(280) + 128.952cos(69.28) , 120sin(280) + 128.952sin(69.28)  ]    →  x = 66.4612 and y = 2.43453


So....the new trminal point is [ 66.4612, 2.43453]


And the distance  [from (0,0) ]  is given  by ..... sqrt   [  66.4612^2  +  2.43453^2 ]  ≈ 66.5058 mi ≈ 67 miles   [rounded]


And the bearing is given by   [ 90 - arctan(2.43453/66.4612) ] °   =  [90 - 2.098]° ≈ 87.902° = 88°  [rounded]


So...the new heading (bearing)  is     88° at  67 miles




cool cool cool

 Nov 15, 2016

We can use the Law of Cosines to get tthe answer to 23


We need to find the distance, x, traveled by theplane in  5 minutes....note that the angle betewwn the vectors = 5°


So...we have


x^2 = 120^2 + 105^2 - 2(120)(105)cos(5°)


x = sqrt [ 120^2 + 105^2 - 2(120)(105)cos(5°)]  ≈  17.91 miles


Then...if it traveled  17.91 miles in 5 minutes...it would be traveling at  17.91 * 12  ≈  214.92mph ≈  215 mph


To get the answer to 24,    let us find the slope between the coordinates  end points of the vectors...we have


[ 120cos(280), 120 sin(280)]     and ( [ 105cos(285), 105sin(285) ]  = 


[ 105sin(285) - 120sin(280) ] / [105cos(285) - 120cos(280)]  ≈ 2.643


Using the tangent inverse of this to find the angle of the slope, we have arctan(2.643)  ≈ 69.28°


And subtracting this from 90 will give us a heading of about 90 - 69.28 = 20.72° ≈  21°


[I'm still thinking about the answer to 25 ] 




cool cool cool

 Nov 15, 2016

Q24 am just using CPhill's method of putting it all on a grid.






\(gradient=\frac{-105sin75--120cos10}{105cos75-120sin10}\\ gradient=\frac{-105sin75+120cos10}{105cos75-120sin10}\\ gradient=2.64\\ tan\theta=2.64\\ \theta\approx 69.28\\ \)

CPhill did this ths fast way  LOL


Now 69.28 degrees is the angle between the positive x axis and the direction the plane is flying

but the x axis is in the due east direction whereas direction is taken from the due north direction so

the plane is flying on a bearing of   90-69.28 = 20.72 degrees


So just like CPhill found the plane is flying with a bearing of approximately 21 degrees.

Melody  Nov 17, 2016
Best Answer

We can get the answer to 25 by first finding the distance,d, the plane has traveled for 10:24 to 11PM.....since it has been flying for 36 min...we have that 


d/36 = 17.91/5 


d =36*17.91/ 5 ≈ 128.952 miles


And we can find the (x, y)  coordinates of its terminal point as follows


[ 120cos(280) + 128.952cos(69.28) , 120sin(280) + 128.952sin(69.28)  ]    →  x = 66.4612 and y = 2.43453


So....the new trminal point is [ 66.4612, 2.43453]


And the distance  [from (0,0) ]  is given  by ..... sqrt   [  66.4612^2  +  2.43453^2 ]  ≈ 66.5058 mi ≈ 67 miles   [rounded]


And the bearing is given by   [ 90 - arctan(2.43453/66.4612) ] °   =  [90 - 2.098]° ≈ 87.902° = 88°  [rounded]


So...the new heading (bearing)  is     88° at  67 miles




cool cool cool

CPhill Nov 15, 2016

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