
Eddie had 5/8 as many toy soldiers as Ahmad.   Ahmad gave away 30% of

his toy soldiers while Eddie bought 17 more toy soldiers. In the end, the ratio

of the number of toy soldiers Ahmad had to the number of toy soldiers Eddie

had was 2:3.

(a)     How many toy soldiers did Ahmad have at first?

(b)     How many toy soldiers did Eddie have in the end?

 Dec 16, 2021

Let, the number of toys Ahmad have at first = x

Number of toys Eddie have at first = y

System of equation are given by:

⇒ y = \( {5 \over 8}x………….(i)\)

⇒ \( {0.7x \over y+17} = {2 \over 3}\)
⇒ 2.1x = 2y + 34

⇒ 2.1x = \(2 ({5 \over 8}x)+34\)

⇒ 2.1x = \( {5 \over 4}x + 34\)
⇒ 2.1x - \({5\over 4}x + 34\)

⇒ \( {8.4 - 5x\over 4} = 34\)
⇒ 3.4x = 136

⇒ x =\( {136 \over 3.4}\)
Put value of x in \((i):\)
⇒ y = \( {5 \over 8}(40)\)

⇒ y = 25

So, number of toys Ahmad have at first = 40

Number of toys Eddie have in the end = 25 + 17 = 42


its a tough one

 Dec 16, 2021

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