
How many positive integers less than 500 can be written as the sum of two positive perfect cubes?

 Dec 12, 2014

Best Answer 


The largest cube we can use would be 7

And we can pair this with the integers (1 trough 5 cubed)...."6' is too large!!!

So that's 5 numbers right there

And 6 cubed can be paired with integers (1 through 5 cubed) = 5 numbers

And 5 cubed can be paired with (1 through 4 cubed) = 4 numbers, etc.

So we have....

5 +  [ 5(6)/ 2 ] =   5 + 15  = 20 numbers


 Dec 12, 2014
Best Answer

The largest cube we can use would be 7

And we can pair this with the integers (1 trough 5 cubed)...."6' is too large!!!

So that's 5 numbers right there

And 6 cubed can be paired with integers (1 through 5 cubed) = 5 numbers

And 5 cubed can be paired with (1 through 4 cubed) = 4 numbers, etc.

So we have....

5 +  [ 5(6)/ 2 ] =   5 + 15  = 20 numbers


CPhill Dec 12, 2014

If you make the table, there are 26 such numbers that make this true.   

 Dec 31, 2016

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