If you mean just how to "do" fractions, you write them as a numerator (top number) over denominator (bottom number).
This page can help you out: http://www.mathsisfun.com/fractions.html
You can add or subtract (more easily) when the denominators are the same, but you can multiply or divide them even when the denominators are different. If you are dividing, you need to flip the fraction you are dividing by (divisor) and multiply the first fraction by it.
Ex: (1/2) / (1/4) = (1/2) * (4/1) = 2
And if you mean how to do fractions on a calculator, you can check out this link: http://web2.0calc.com/questions/how-do-i-type-in-fractions
If you mean just how to "do" fractions, you write them as a numerator (top number) over denominator (bottom number).
This page can help you out: http://www.mathsisfun.com/fractions.html
You can add or subtract (more easily) when the denominators are the same, but you can multiply or divide them even when the denominators are different. If you are dividing, you need to flip the fraction you are dividing by (divisor) and multiply the first fraction by it.
Ex: (1/2) / (1/4) = (1/2) * (4/1) = 2
And if you mean how to do fractions on a calculator, you can check out this link: http://web2.0calc.com/questions/how-do-i-type-in-fractions