
I hope this isnt rude at all. But is Melody a name for a female or a male?

Me fwend asked. Just wanted to know

Luv u bai

 Apr 8, 2019
edited by Guest  Apr 8, 2019

It could be a male Name but most Normal people and people now it is a Female Name 

 Apr 8, 2019

We've never figured that out.....she's from Australia....but....those Aussies can be sneaky.....!!!



cool cool cool

 Apr 8, 2019


Guest Apr 8, 2019


Nickolas  Apr 8, 2019

A few years ago, I met at a male student at university named Ginger Shay Tang.  His family immigrated to America from China when he was a young child, and they adopted Americanized, English names based on the Chinese meaning of their Asian names.  He was born (Tang) Jiāng Jíwén, which translates to Ginger Shay, both of which are typically female names. His family, at the time, was unaware of the gender connotation, but neither they nor he ever considered changing his name. 


BTW, his wife’s name is Mary Ann. (No kidding.)  So, he actually had an answer for the ever importunate question, directed to all persons named Ginger: “Where’s Mary Ann? ...”  His answer compelled a follow-up question, asking if Gilligan might be the name for their firstborn, proving there is never an escape from fifty-year-old pop culture. smiley




GingerAle  Apr 9, 2019

As a male I don't think I'd quickly forgive my parents for naming me Melody.

 Apr 9, 2019

Now that is funny yeah I belive it is a Female the name 



Nickolas  Apr 9, 2019

History may have been very different for you, if you were named Melody.


In the many universes (theory), where you were named Melody, you are, instead of an engineer, an opera singer –probably a baritone in most universes, but a tenor in some of the others.   In the universes where you cannot sing, then you may be a bouncer for the MMA, ejecting aggressive troublemakers who breach ringside security perimeters.  This, adapted as a theory from the Shel Silverstine song, "A Boy Named Sue," made famous by Johnny Cash.


The song and this theory aside, the real boy named Sue -- Sue Hicks, whose name inspired the song, was a famed jurist; most notably as a prosecutor in the Scope’s Monkey Trial.  So in a universe not too far removed from this one, there is the Honorable Melody Rom who presides over murder cases and solves physics problems in his spare time.laugh 




GingerAle  Apr 9, 2019

Opera singer whould be good for Melody LOL she lives in sydney Austrilla hour someting away from the Opera House..... 




Nickolas  Apr 15, 2019

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