
My trip to work is 120 miles. If I go 8 mph faster than my usual speed, I'll get to work 30 minutes earlier. How long does my trip take, in hours, if I go my usual speed?


and also:


What is the ratio of the width to length of a folded sheet of paper if the rectangle formed when the sheet is folded in half (as shown below) is similar to the original rectangular sheet? Express your answer as a common fraction in simplest radical form. (Assume the width of the original sheet of paper becomes the length of the folded sheet.)

 Mar 20, 2021

My trip to work is 120 miles. If I go 8 mph faster than my usual speed, I'll get to work 30 minutes earlier. How long does my trip take, in hours, if I go my usual speed?



30 min  = 1/2  hr


Let  your usual  speed =  r

Let  the  greater  speed =  r + 8


Distance / Rate  =  Time




Time  at faster speed  + 1/2  hr =  Time  at normal speed.....so....


120 / (r + 8)  +   1/2   =   120 / r  rearrange  as


1/2  =   120/r  -  120/ ( r + 8)        


1/2 =  [ 120 ( r + 8)  - 120 r ]   / ( r * (r + 8) )


1/2  =  [ 120r  + 960 -120r ]  / (r ( r +8))


1/2 =    ( 960 )  / ( r (r + 8))        cross-multiply


r ( r + 8)  =  960 * 2


r^2  + 8r  =  1920


r^2  + 8r  - 1920   =  0


(r  + 48)  ( r - 40) =   0


The  second factor   set to  0  is  what we need


r -40   =   0


r  =  40 mph


Time to work at  normal speed  =   120  / r =   120  /  40 =    3 hrs


cool cool cool

 Mar 20, 2021

Then what would the answer to the second question be?



 Mar 20, 2021

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