this is an easy question so i want u to try it out urself ! so we have 30 bottles which cost 8000 and now we are to find out the cost of one bottle ! now if 30 bottles cost 8000 then we can simply find the cost of 1 bottle by just deviding both these amounts , like 8000/30 ! as i said u are do some of it urself so now ive told u this and u r just to devide it ! for a tip to do the division a bit quicker cut each zero of ech number like;
8000/30 so
=800/3 does this make it easier to devide ! so now i hope and also believe u can solve it urself , the rest of it!
HINT; Use the calculator of this site !
Haha, my bad.
I read it like, "A bottle of pills that has 30 pills in it costs 8,000, how much is the cost per pill?"
if a bottle of pills would cost 8000 then it shouldnt be kept in a glass cover as a show piece for the buyer wouldnt eat the pills but show off the bottle which costed 8000 to him !lol!
thats right ! and the owner wont eat the pills too and the years will pass and pass and one day the bottle will become an antique one and the pills would just rot inside the bottle (yuck) ! so whats the use of buying such a bottle of pills which doesnt let itself be eaten just becoz ur happy u bought such a "costly " pills bottle !