Im Logging off so just a notafaction for people chatting in my thread Addios!
Not really, busy people have busy tasks. And your busy, so no, not sad. ;P
Thats is exactly why I'm more pleased with your departured rather than re-entry...XD you said soem creepy things migth want to cool off a bit.
Warms your ribs? Does that include lungs, heart and diaphragm or just the ribs?
I'm pretty sure the ribs defien as the bone so your bones and bone marrow are warmed?
Hes trying to impress the moderator, Melody, so its best we do as he says if he wants a gold star ;P
What are you talking about I just want this to stop dont you see my thread it says
Im Logging off so just a notafaction for people chatting in my thread Addios!
You guys so many comments and chats that I have ran out of vote permission because I voted to many things I like
north holly wood is cool. i saw so many famous people and i went to disney, and la has so much more that the state of florida
Nick I though thread closed but your havenign a converstaion do it through private message I thought you were Mr. respect forum rules guy.....
Although Professor Nobody Disney world was walts invision of a family eperience to vist disney movies and stuff in life and thats why its called diseny world and statistically the city of orlando is close to one of the biggest citys int he world and the ecomony is better...
one thing proffesor nobody I like your profile picture of that flying dun
Theres no way its 10 for you I live in NY we have the same timezone it's was 7ish when you posted that. It's 8:35 now.