How are babies made? And how do you do this so called s*x?
 Nov 20, 2013
S*x is of the devil!
 Nov 20, 2013
Why do you ask such gross questions? And s*x isn't the devil .-. pendejo

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)
 Nov 20, 2013
I can show you sometime ? And making babies is easy, but I can show you s*x first babygirl

Call me sometime eyy? 550-243-9871
 Nov 20, 2013
Giving your number out is pretty dumb what I think. Now people on here are going to call you all the time and put you on blast for being retarded and not thinking straight. And hun, if you wanna know these thing's this math website isn't the place for you. Go to a doctor or go talk to your mommy/daddy And quit wasting people's precious time when they want help with math and not how to open your leg's and get in between.

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)
 Nov 20, 2013
Well im 13 so I have a right to ask whatever I whant ! And you can't tell me what to do, and aiqht boy let's see what you made of ? Gonna break me huh? Dirty dirty..... and thanks for the number hahahahahah i'll call you at niqht And s*x is the devil it's evil and delicious, s**t i know how babies are made i just want someone to prove how good it really is and lil_rosssseey stfu dumb b***h stupid a*s immigrants go back to mexico and die
 Nov 20, 2013
Who knew calculator forums were so brutal? Be nice to the little virgin.
 Nov 20, 2013
Escucha niña, si fueras mi hijo seguro que no dejaría de hablar de esta manera y que ni siquiera respira más porque estarías muerto. -. y yo soy estúpido y tonto por preguntar no hablar de este tipo en un sitio web público? No es mi culpa que tu pierdas poco desesperado aquí. Usted es 13! Usted debe jugar con barbies no difusión abierta de la pierna a todo el que quiera entrar! Tú eres el inmaduro aquí que realmente no tiene ningún buenos regresos excepto ser racista. Lo que realmente no me dolía mucho Sólo recuerde que hace comida para ti cuando tienes un deseo y que limpia el suelo / suelo que pisas! No te lo piensas antes de hablar del bebé, lo hará a lo grande en el futuro y lo mismo para usted muchacho.
 Nov 20, 2013
No hablo espanol. Hablo ingles por favor?
 Nov 20, 2013
usar translate -.-
 Nov 20, 2013
 Nov 20, 2013
Entonces, ¿qué les gofres
 Nov 20, 2013
Listen girl, you're my son certainly would not stop talking this way and not even breathing anymore because you'd be dead. -. and I'm stupid and silly for asking nothing of this kind in a public web site? Not my fault you miss little desperate here. You are 13! You should not play with barbies leg spread open to anyone who wants in! You are the immature here that really has no good returns except being racist. What really did not hurt much Just remember to make food for you when you have a desire and cleaning the floor / ground you walk on! Do not you think before you speak baby, you do it big in the future and the same for you boy.

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)

Happy now? -.-t
 Nov 20, 2013
 Nov 20, 2013
Listen girl, if you were my kid you certainly would not bd talking this way and not even breathing anymore because you'd be dead. -. and I'm stupid and silly for asking for you not to speak like this in a public web site? Not my fault you miss little desperate here. You are 13! You should be play with barbies not have your legs spread open to anyone who wants in! You are the immature one here that really has no good returns except being racist. What really did not hurt much Just remember who (us mexicans) makes food for you when you have a desire and cleaning the floor / ground you walk on! Do you think before you speak baby, because if you act like tis no one will like you in the future

better translation?i misspelled words sorry

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)
 Nov 20, 2013

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