
In trapezoid ABCD, BC || AD, angle ABD =105°, angle A=43°, and angle C=141°. Find angle CBD, in degrees.

 Dec 12, 2015

Best Answer 


Hi Chris,


Scaled pic

Drawing these pics to scale is always a time consuming but pleasant challenge :)

 Dec 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 12, 2015

Hi Mellie,

In trapezoid ABCD, BC || AD, angle ABD =105°, angle A=43°, and angle C=141°. Find angle CBD, in degrees.



ok, the first thing I did is tried to work out what the trapezium looked like. 

THEN the answer became obvious.


it also became ovvious that I did not need to know what the trapezium looked like in ordet to answer this question.


Draw ANY trapezium where BC||AD

Label <ABD as 105 degrees.   (It doesn't need to LOOK anythink like 105 degrees, mine looks like an acute angle)

Label <A as 43 degrees 

Label < C as 141 degrees


Now you can see that <CBD is an alternate angle on parallel lines to <BDA. So they are congruent.

< BDA+105+43=180     Angle sum of triangle ABD

<BDA = 32 degrees


Therefore <CBD = 32 degrees


Here is a diagram most definitely not to scale.   frown

 Dec 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 12, 2015

 ABD = 105° and ABD will form a triangle.....then angle ADB will  =   180 - 43  -105 = 32°


And, since AD is parallel to BC,  angle CBD will have the same measure as angle ABD  = 32°    because they are alternating interior angles between  these parallels





cool cool cool

 Dec 12, 2015
edited by CPhill  Dec 12, 2015

Nice pic, Melody........this one would be difficult to "scale" properly.....




cool cool cool

 Dec 12, 2015
Best Answer

Hi Chris,


Scaled pic

Drawing these pics to scale is always a time consuming but pleasant challenge :)

Melody Dec 12, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 12, 2015

What program did you use for that.......????......I like it.....!!!





cool cool cool

 Dec 12, 2015

I just used GeoGebra :)

 Dec 13, 2015

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