Every where I look, 8741805001637784992097461777389^7838464=Infinity. Now Infinity is a very large number. But it still should be larger then this. I get that it is a lot of numbers. Could someone tell me an educated guess on how many?
 Jan 12, 2014

Every where I look, 8741805001637784992097461777389^7838464=Infinity. Now Infinity is a very large number. But it still should be larger then this. I get that it is a lot of numbers. Could someone tell me an educated guess on how many?

Hi Logan,
Infinity cannot be expressed as a number because whatever number you write down there is always a number that is bigger.
I don't know where you got your number from but calculators often throw up estimates without telling you that that is what they have done.
 Jan 12, 2014

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