What is the easiest way to remember how to multiply,divide,add,and subtract integers. (can be in song or riddle) need help asap
 Jan 31, 2012
x and divide; if double negative always positive and if has a negative # always negative
 Jan 31, 2012

negative times a negative is a negative.  negative times a positive is a negative.  when you subtract two negative numbers you add them for example -6-5  in your head think 6+5=11  now just add a negative sign and thats the answer when you add a negative and a positive its like subtracting like -10+3 you think in your head whats 10-3? its seven just add a negative sign.  sometimes you will have a double negative like -6-(-4) if you look at the parenthesis and the two negative signs if you were to make a line through it you would have an addition sign do that immediately and it will make it easier so then -6+4=-2 . Practice makes perfect :) 

 Mar 11, 2015

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