
It takes Mickey a total of 45 minutes to ride his bike 5 miles to Minnie's house and then walk the remaining mile to school with her. If he rides his bike the entire distance to school at the same rate he rode to Minnie's house, it will take him 30 minutes. What is his walking speed, in miles per hour?

 Feb 18, 2020

Rate of riding his bike =    6mi / (1/2)hr =  12miles/hr


Call his walking rate  =  W mph


And Distance / Rate  = Time....so


5 miles / 12mph  +   1mile / Wmph  =  45 min               {45 min  = 3/4 hr}


5/12 (hrs)  +  ( 1 / W ) hrs =  ( 3/4) hrs 


1/W =  3/4 -5/12


1/W  = 9/12 - 5/12


1/W=  4/12


W / 1=  12/ 4


W = 3 mph



cool cool cool

 Feb 18, 2020

6 / (1/2) =12 mph - his cycling speed
5 / 12 mph x 60 =25 minutes to get to Minnie's house.
45 - 25 = 20 minutes to walk to school.
1 mile / (1/3) hours = 1 x 3 =3 mph - walking speed to school.

 Feb 18, 2020

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