
Jason left a bin outside in his garden to collect rainwater. He notices that 1 over 5 gallon of water fills 2 over 3 of the bin. Write and solve an equation to find the amount of water that will fill the entire bin. Show your work. Explain your answer in words.

 Jan 23, 2015

Best Answer 


We can set this up as a proportion

(1/5) gallon / (2/3) bin = x gallons / 1 bin      cross-multiply

1/5 = (2/3)x     multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 2/3 = 3/2

(3/2) (1/5) = x =  3/10 gallons fills the entire bin

Look at it this way......each 1/10 of a gallon fills 1/3 of the bin......so 3(1/10) gallons fills 3(1/3)bins....or

3/10 galons fills a whole bin....


 Jan 24, 2015
Best Answer

We can set this up as a proportion

(1/5) gallon / (2/3) bin = x gallons / 1 bin      cross-multiply

1/5 = (2/3)x     multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 2/3 = 3/2

(3/2) (1/5) = x =  3/10 gallons fills the entire bin

Look at it this way......each 1/10 of a gallon fills 1/3 of the bin......so 3(1/10) gallons fills 3(1/3)bins....or

3/10 galons fills a whole bin....


CPhill Jan 24, 2015

Why would you want to give students answers and deprive them! Make them do it! Kids these days need to learn what it is like to actually have to work for something! You took the time and learned math...now make them!  It is sad how quick all you math geeks are willing to give up your knowledge to these students who don't want to take the time to actually learn math but rather steal your knowledge!  Sad...just sad!

 Jan 5, 2016

Is that you Mr. Anol? CPhill not just give the answer he show how to do it. In case you not notice this question is about a year old. I remember when CPhill answer it.


Everyone learn math differently and everyone who answer on here teach it differently.  Learning from different ways to do the same things give the best understanding.


In less than 2 years I learn over 3 years of math on here from Melody, CPhill, Alan, Heureka  and others too.  I am still learning and I also answer questions too. I not just give the answer I show how to do it. That also help me to learn and remember it. So everyone learn something then.


There is one other thing too. If someone give you something then you are not stealing it.


You should go lock you self in a bank vault until you feel better. Make sure the time clock is set for next year. hahahaha

 Jan 5, 2016

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