
J and s are facing each other on opposite sides of a 10 m flagpole. From j pov the top of the pole is at an angle of elevation of 50 degree. From S pov is 35 degree. How far apart are j and S?

 Dec 15, 2017

J and S are facing each other on opposite sides of a 10 m flagpole. From j pov the top of the pole is at an angle of elevation of 50 degree. From S pov is 35 degree. How far apart are j and S?


Note that, from J's point of view


tan (50)  = 10 / D1       where D1 is the distance J is from the pole


And from S's point of view


tan (35)  =  10 / D2        where D2  is the distance S is from the pole


So.....rearranging both......their distance apart is given by :


D1   +  D2  =


10/tan(50)   +  10/tan(35)    ≈  22.67 m



cool cool cool

 Dec 15, 2017

I got a question... when do you know when to divide tan or when to bring the opposite or adjacent over to multiple? I'm confused on that and btw thanks

Guest Dec 15, 2017

Note that the tangent of an angle  is the opposite / adjacent


So.....consider the flagpole height the opposite side and the distance to the flagpole , D, is the adjacent side




tan x  =   10  / D           multiply both sides by D


D *  tan x  =  10          divide both sides by tan x


D  = 10  / tan x



Does that make sense ??



cool cool cool

 Dec 15, 2017
edited by CPhill  Dec 15, 2017

Not really

Guest Dec 15, 2017

Okay so to find distance, we have to divide and to find length/height we have to multiple, correct?

Guest Dec 15, 2017

Maybe this will help:

The bottom of the flag pole is point  A .


In every right triangle,  tan(angle)  =  length of opposite side / length of adjacent side. So....


tan( 50° )  =  10 / JA          Solve this equation for  JA  to get:          JA  =  10 / tan( 50° )


tan( 35° )  =  10 / SA         Solve this equation for  SA  to get:          SA  =  10 / tan( 35° )


JS  =  JA + SA                  Plug in the values we just found for  JA  and  SA .


JS  =  10 / tan( 50° )  +  10 / tan( 35° )


JS  ≈  22.67  meters




when do you know when to divide tan or when to bring the opposite or adjacent over to multiple?


Think about this problem:


8  =   16 / x     To solve for  x  , first multilply both sides by  x .

8x  =  16         Then divide both sides by  8  .

x  =  2




tan x  =   10  / D     To solve for  D  , first multiply both sides by  D .

D * tan x  =  10       Then divide both sides by  tan x  .

D  =  10 / tan x


Remember that  tan x  is just a number.

 Dec 15, 2017

Thanks, hectictar  !!!!



cool cool cool

 Dec 15, 2017

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