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At the chess game, the king can attack a piece if, and only if, that piece is on one of the contiguous squares.

Then, what is the max possible number of kings we can put on a chessboard, with no king attacking another one ?

 Aug 26, 2015

Best Answer 


the mortal of this Math Question:


 video games are both benificial and joyful ways to understand the world


TR I think you mean moral. Good for you learning something because of your dumb games. But anyway people understand the world better if they didn’t have their eyes glued to a game. Video games are ok but people understood the world ok before there were video games and it wasn’t boring either. When someone hits a baseball or jumps to make a hoop or shoots a real gun it is real physics that happen it’s not some BS on a screen and cute sound coming from a speaker. I rather hear a bull f**t at least that is real.


Go into the woods and listen and look. There is a lot of interesting things there like different animals and bugs and all different kinds of trees and sometime there is flowers you not see anywhere else. You can go outside at night and look at the sky and see all the stars and the Milky Way. Sometimes people see the Milky Way and think it is some kind of strange cloud. It is a cloud it’s just not in the earth’s atmosphere.


No game will ever replace any of those things.

 Aug 26, 2015

I notice a new trend here

now this is a job for me!

this is exactly the same concept Clash of Clans is when it coes to training armies

a certain troop always takes up certain housing space

a king takes up 4 tiles in this game of Chess (which no offense, but i find it boring)

theres 8 tiles on one side of the chess board

its a square board



a king, if placement starts in the corner, takes up 4 spaces, instead of the usual in the middle 9 spaces

so, we divide


in a game of chess, you can place 16 kings on a chess board without blood spreeing in your board

 Aug 26, 2015

the mortal of this Math Question:


video games are both benificial and joyful ways to understand the world

without video games, the world will not only be boring, but also it would be misunderstood

video games give people, even scientists, a better way to understand the world

if only video games were invented in the 1600s, the Scientific Revolution would be a lot more better to comba the Cathoilic Church

so the next time I hear someone or see someone wearing an anti-video game clothes, im gonna punch them straight in the face, even if the sentence is death, but they cant shut me down, cuz this forums, and the school, and the world, would be so empty without me

 Aug 26, 2015

Ok Mr smart butt.

How many knights can you put on there without them attacking another one another?

That should be worth 2 cookies. hahaha

 Aug 26, 2015
Best Answer

the mortal of this Math Question:


 video games are both benificial and joyful ways to understand the world


TR I think you mean moral. Good for you learning something because of your dumb games. But anyway people understand the world better if they didn’t have their eyes glued to a game. Video games are ok but people understood the world ok before there were video games and it wasn’t boring either. When someone hits a baseball or jumps to make a hoop or shoots a real gun it is real physics that happen it’s not some BS on a screen and cute sound coming from a speaker. I rather hear a bull f**t at least that is real.


Go into the woods and listen and look. There is a lot of interesting things there like different animals and bugs and all different kinds of trees and sometime there is flowers you not see anywhere else. You can go outside at night and look at the sky and see all the stars and the Milky Way. Sometimes people see the Milky Way and think it is some kind of strange cloud. It is a cloud it’s just not in the earth’s atmosphere.


No game will ever replace any of those things.

Dragonlance Aug 26, 2015

You know TR and DL you are both right.

Maybe you should both think about what the other is trying to tell you.

You should also try being accepting of your differences    


All types of computing knowledge is invaluable in our world, including games,  but nature also has much magnificence to offer.

If you do not sometimes feel awstruck by the magnificance of a night sky or by the antics of insect as it goes about its world, then you need to spend more time with nature learning an appreciation of all it offers :)

 Aug 27, 2015

Melody, the only reason why you support nature is cuz you're part of nature, in a PARROT NEST, REMEMBER?

and the only reason why Dragonlance supports nature is that he works (or even lives?) ON A FARM, REMEMBER?

and I've tried going with nature once, like camping and hiking, but what's so special about sleeping in a uncomfortable sleeping bag with little privacy space, and a risk of getting attacked when you're in a secure house, with lots of space, perfect as any HQ, gets an actual fancy bag, and most importantly, has a roof to where RAIN WONT FALL THROUGH THE ROOF!!!???

and what's so special about breaking bones, getting all sore, and tired, having to drive or walk home, when you could've DONE IT IN A TREADMILL AND HAVE A GATORADE TO FUEL YOU!!?

sorry guys, but Elements don't combine with Nature

 Aug 27, 2015

I like camping.  I don't like setting up in the rain and I do not like packing up a wet tent.

It can rain a little during my stay though.  My tent doesn't leak.  :/

I like camping in comfort.  One time I went camping with friends and they bought a full size ceiling fan with them which they mounted in their annex.  That was a hoot!  They also bought a proper home fridge.  They set their car up with video games for the kids.  I was very glad that they did not bring a TV for the adults.

I used to enjoy leaving all technology behind when i camped.  Now that would rarely happen.  People (including myself) think that they cannot survive with out a mobile phone!  

It rained heavily that time too, the kids were playing in a little boat in the middle of out camp site.  Oh what fun !!  


 Aug 28, 2015

TitaniumRome, you answer is right.

You have 20/20, plus (additionally) a brownie.











Ah, and you're right : videogames are definitely NOT a waste of time (except, maybe for Majora's Mask...)



 Aug 29, 2015

Haha Dragonlance, you've underestimate us Video Gamers too much!

This battle goes to the Gamers!

stay tuned next time for Nature VS Games!

 Aug 30, 2015

Hey guys

Wow TR, another problem well done, how many tests do you even pass because you play video games? 

FYI, Titanium Rome spends 75% of his studying time playing test-related video games than actually using the study guides

from my point of view, it seems he does a lot better on tests when he plays video games (I have no idea how) 

for example, when he can't play video games, he normally gets a C (that was back in the days)

when he started playing video games, it appears on tests he's a lot more focused and appears to use video games as a test

FYI, on one test a long time ago, he didn't play video games at all, and got a C

on one test when he does play video games, he gets an A-A+

how do I know?

this one time, he got a 72% on one History Quiz (just pure studying guides)

parents obviously outraged

he played Galaga for the entire weekend instead of studying

he retook the quiz on Monday, and got 100%

so appearently, the way Titanium Rome studies is very different from the way normal people study

Last Friday, at lunch, we were preparing for a Math test with worksheets in Ms. Nitto's room, we were studying on our worksheets, while TR spent the entire lunch trying to beat his high score on Galaga and raided people in Clash Of Clans

we have not got our scores yet

but what happened was on the test many people were stressed out, including myself, but when I looked a Rome, he seemed to keep it cool and did his work as accurate as if he was shooting a Prototype sniper gun in PG3D and as fast as he was rapidly shooting in Galaga

overall, it appears that TR has a special way of studying tests and quizzes 

 Aug 30, 2015

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