How do I use a scientific calculator to solve logs etc..?
 Nov 13, 2013
Now, that would depend on the question.
 Nov 13, 2013
Well, if you've got something like
log 6 = x
you would just type in log 6
If you'd have something like this
5log6 = x (or log5,6 that depends on country)
you type in
log 6 / log 5
 Nov 13, 2013
Well, if you've got something like log 6 = x
you would just type in log 6

Yes but you need to know what the base is, your calculator can only handle base 10 (log) and base e ( ln )
Log 10 6 = 0.77815128....
Log e 6 = 1.791759469.....

If you'd have something like this
5log6 = x (or log5,6 that depends on country) NO, THESE ARE DIFFERENT THINGS

5log6 means 5*log6 and that is how you enter it. (could be base 10 or base e or someother base, you need to know which one)

You are talking about change of base
log 56 which is worded as log of 6 base 5.
You can't do this on the calculator because it not in base 10 or base e, so you have to change it using change of base.

log 56 = log6 / log5 This will give the same answer no matter what base you use, so long as numerator and denominator have the same base.

log 56 = log6 / log5 = 1.113282753

I hope this clears things up a little.

This is a interactive web page that would be good for you to work through.
 Nov 13, 2013

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