
A right triangle has its legs parallel to the x and y axes as shown in the figure. If the hypotenuse has a slope of  -4/3, and the diameter of the bigger circle is 2020, what is the diameter of the smaller circle?


 Dec 10, 2020


Let  the center of the larger circle  be (10,10)....and this is the incenter of the large triangle 

Let A  be the angle at the  bottom right  vertex

The tangent of this angle is  4/3

But  the bisector of angle A   creates  an angle with 1/2 the measure of A

And the tangent of this angle is   sqrt   [  1 -cos A] / sqrt [1 + cos A]

And cos A = 3/5

So  tan (A/2)  =   sqrt  [ 1-3/5 ] / sqrt [1 + 3/5]   =  1/2




tan (A/2)   =10/20

cos (A/2)  =  2/sqrt (5)

Therefore, the distance  from the bottom right  vertex   of the large triangle to the  center of the larger circle can be found as

cos (A/2)  = 20 / D

D =  20 / (2 /sqrt (5) )  =  10sqrt (5) 


And using reflexive symmetry of similar polygons, the angle  bisector will go through the center of both  circles....


So  using similar triangles we  have that


10/ (10sqrt (5)  )  =  r / [ 10sqrt (5)  - 10  - r ]


1/sqrt (5)  =  r / [10sqrt (5)  -10  - r ] = 


r sqrt (5)  =  10sqrt (5)  - 10  - r   


r (  sqrt (5) + 1  )  =  10 ( sqrt (5) - 1)


r  =  10 ( sqrt (5) -1) ( sqrt (5) -1) / 4 


r = 10 ( 5 - 2sqrt (5) + 1) /4


r = 15 - 5sqrt (5)


Here's a pic  :




cool cool cool

 Dec 10, 2020
edited by CPhill  Dec 10, 2020

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