A wheel has a radius of 2 and 1 third feet. About how far does it travel if it makes 60 complete revolutions? Use 22/7 for 3.14
 Mar 31, 2014

Best Answer 

A wheel has a radius of 2 and 1 third feet. About how far does it travel if it makes 60 complete revolutions? Use 22/7 for 3.14

First, find the diameter of the wheel, which is twice the radius.
2*2 1/3 = 4 2/3

Then use this to find the circumference:
4 2/3 * 22/7
= 14 2/3

This is the length of one revolution.
Now multiply it by 60 to get the length of 60 revolutions.
14 2/3 * 60

=880 feet.
 Mar 31, 2014
Best AnswerA wheel has a radius of 2 and 1 third feet. About how far does it travel if it makes 60 complete revolutions? Use 22/7 for 3.14

First, find the diameter of the wheel, which is twice the radius.
2*2 1/3 = 4 2/3

Then use this to find the circumference:
4 2/3 * 22/7
= 14 2/3

This is the length of one revolution.
Now multiply it by 60 to get the length of 60 revolutions.
14 2/3 * 60

=880 feet.
kitty<3 Mar 31, 2014

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