
A pair of kids and a pair of adults decided to compete in a three-legged race. The kids got to start 18 yards ahead of the adults, since they had shorter legs. When they were told to start, the kids hobbled forward at a rate of 3 yards per second, and the adults hobbled after them at a rate of 4 yards per second. Soon they were side-by-side. How long did that take? How far did the adults go?

 Mar 20, 2024
edited by jeremiahabreu  Mar 20, 2024

Note that every second, the adults close the gap  by ( 4  -  3)  = 1 yd per second


So.....to  close the gap of  18 yds it  must have taken  18 seconds


The adults traveled = Time * Rate per second =    18 * 4    = 72 yds


cool cool cool

 Mar 20, 2024

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