



from the graph .. why from tb to tc speeds slows down  !! 

 Sep 24, 2014

Best Answer 


Note that, the slope of the curve at any point is just the velocity at that point. So, from B to C, the slope approaches 0, indicating that the velocity (in the positive direction) is decreasing (but not yet = 0). And at C, the velocity = 0 (since the slope = 0 at that point). And from C to D, the velocity begins to increase again (in the negative direction) because the slope of the curve gets ever steeper between these two points. And note that, from D to E, the velocity slows again because the slope is aproaching 0.


 Sep 24, 2014

Velocity is the slope of the curve of x against t.  Between A and B the slope (hence the velocity) is increasing.

Between B and C the slope (hence the velocity) is decreasing (the velocity is still positive, but getting smaller).

 Sep 24, 2014
Best Answer

Note that, the slope of the curve at any point is just the velocity at that point. So, from B to C, the slope approaches 0, indicating that the velocity (in the positive direction) is decreasing (but not yet = 0). And at C, the velocity = 0 (since the slope = 0 at that point). And from C to D, the velocity begins to increase again (in the negative direction) because the slope of the curve gets ever steeper between these two points. And note that, from D to E, the velocity slows again because the slope is aproaching 0.


CPhill Sep 24, 2014

verrrrrrrrrry clear ... thank you alan and cphill ... 

 Sep 24, 2014

I didn't answer LOL,  it was Alan and Chris.  Thanks guys

 Sep 25, 2014

haha .. sorry its by mistake 

 Sep 25, 2014

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