
hi everyone,

i dont know why but today a strange this is continuosly happeneing with me!someones again n again subtracting my points and ive very hardly refilled them!Please can you all help me also by refilling my points agin!Ive just lost 7 points becoz of of someone i dont know!and i think the same person just minussed my points before too twice!

I really need help!Becoz i can no more handle this!

plaese can u all help me by refilling or giving me thumbs up!

thank you ill be really greatful!

 Jul 13, 2014

Best Answer 


7up u just lost ur points by one inch or becoz of urself!lol!that was really funny!

Btw thanks for all ur help!im really tired of going to the "soooo old" posts again and again and trying to post something there which can automatically give me a point!im still wondering who did all this with me!i never gave a person a minus point!

Thanks once again!

7UP This gift is from me for you!i thought to gift u something new and my favourite!I hope u like them!

Once agin with a THANKS and a hope for them to taste good!

Thank you!

 Jul 13, 2014

Thank you for the points CPhill or Melody!whoever gave them im really greatful to you!

 Jul 13, 2014

You lost 7 points?

For you, that’s like losing a bucket of water out of a swimming pool --an Olympic swimming pool. LOL

Where did you lose them? I’ll put some back –if they are math questions.




 Jul 13, 2014

I dont know that myself!Someone has been continuously giving me a thumbs down, and ive refilled my points twice and they were also like this 7 or 5!now ive got no way how to refill them again!

The question ive been answering ive got a point on each of them and so its very difficult to find out the decreased one!why dont u give me points on this or some other math questions ive answered!

Thanks for all your help 7up!

 Jul 13, 2014

OK. I’ll find your math questions and add some points.

This is why I will only do the math questions or logic questions. Sometimes really funny posts.







 Jul 13, 2014
Best Answer

7up u just lost ur points by one inch or becoz of urself!lol!that was really funny!

Btw thanks for all ur help!im really tired of going to the "soooo old" posts again and again and trying to post something there which can automatically give me a point!im still wondering who did all this with me!i never gave a person a minus point!

Thanks once again!

7UP This gift is from me for you!i thought to gift u something new and my favourite!I hope u like them!

Once agin with a THANKS and a hope for them to taste good!

Thank you!

rosala Jul 13, 2014

Wow! Truffles. Cool.

BTW I like Roses, too. --Unlike someone on here :-)




 Jul 13, 2014

Thanks for telling me , ive got some for you !So 7up these roses are for you!

 Thanks once again!


Melody and Cphill i dont know who helped me from u two but id like to gift both becoz maybe u both helped me!so heres something for you!

These are two golden gifts from me for both of you with a .............................humble thanks!

and thank you once again !It wouldnt have been possible without u people!I really appreciate all your help very much!

Thank you!

 Jul 13, 2014

They are beautiful gifts Rosala.  I am sure 7up will love them!    

 Jul 13, 2014

Thank You Melody!i too hope the same!

 Jul 13, 2014

Thank you Rosala,

I didn't realise that the gifts and the humble thank you was for me and Chris, I thought they were for 7up as well.

Thank you very much I love them and you are ALWAYS VERY WELCOME!


Here are some flowers, specially chosen just for you.   

 Jul 14, 2014

You Welcome Melody!Your flowers are wonderful , they feel so fresh!Thank you for them!

 Jul 14, 2014
You are most welcome!
 Jul 14, 2014

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