
Number reverse formula reverses the number - function argument. f(123) = 321

Let analyze how 123 converted to 321.

321 = 1*1 + 2*10 + 3*100


So we need a function that will get an nth digit from the number x.



\(\left\lfloor\frac{x}{10^n}\right\rfloor\) can be written as \(\lfloor10^{-n}x\rfloor\)






The other function we need is the function that gets number length.

\(l(x) = \lfloor\log_{10}x\rfloor\)


Substitute these formulas instead of numbers:

\(rev(123) = p(123, 0)*10^{l(123)-0} + p(123, 1)*10^{l(123)-1} + p(123, 2)*10^{l(123)-2} = 3*100 + 2*10 + 1*1 = 321 \)


So, here's completed function:


Where is a natural number or 0.


All in heap:



Look at this in Desmos: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/8ilh6dzqcp​

 Sep 22, 2019
edited by JoshuaGreen  Sep 22, 2019
edited by JoshuaGreen  Oct 22, 2019
edited by JoshuaGreen  Oct 22, 2019
edited by JoshuaGreen  Oct 23, 2019

Here is a hastily written one line code in C++ that does the same thing in 1 nano second:


a=123; b=int(log(a));c=int(a / 10^b);d=int(a / 10^(b-1)) %10; e=a%10; f=e*(10^b) + d*(10^(b-1)) + c*(10^(b-2))=321

 Sep 22, 2019

I also can write the program that reverses the given number but my main target was to write the number reverser using math.

JoshuaGreen  Sep 22, 2019

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