
The product of the proper positive integer factors of \(n\) can be written as \(n^{(ax+b)/c}\), where \(x\) is the number of positive divisors \(n\) has, \(c\) is a positive integer, and the greatest common factor of the three integers \(a\)\(b\), and \(c\) is \(1\). What is \(a+b+c\)?


Any help is greatly appreciated!



 Mar 1, 2021

See answer here:  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/problem_32

 Mar 1, 2021

a + b + c = 2 + 3 + 2 = 7.

 Mar 1, 2021

I tried that but it was wrong. Please help!

Doggo  Mar 3, 2021


It is highly likely that I do not understand the question properly.



If n=1

then x=1

\(1=1^\frac{a*1+b}{c}\\ 1=1^\frac{a+b}{c}\\ \)


If a=1, b=2 and c=3   (they are all relatively prime.)

 Then a+b+c=6


You are not going to get any positive numbers smaller than those.

 Mar 3, 2021

It is clear you have rebirthed yourself Doggo,  or is that  xXxTenTacion  ?


It appears at least some of your bad habits are continuing.

When you vote people down for no good reason, you are not invisible to all.  I can see what you get up to.

I strongly suggest that you behave better in this regard.


I can see that your new persona is answering some questions, at a glance they appear to be proper answers.

That is commendable.


I strongly suggest that you continue your good behaviours and lose your bad ones.

Why would you want to make a bad impression (again) ?

 Mar 3, 2021

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