What is 1000 as hexadecimal? Please explain. (I'm using this problem to help me understand number conversion) I know its 3E8 (Web search)
And because of that I also know that i do 1000/16 = 62 r8 so then what?
Based off what I know, 8 would be in the one's place, then I divide by 16 again and get the remainder = 3r14 and ....9ABCDE 3E8. Is this the correct approach to this problem?
if possible, could you also answer:
1000 in binary
Hexadecimal is just base16
find the biggest exponent of 16 that goes into 1000
162 = 256 goes in there 3 times with 232 left over first number is 3 x x
now what exponent of 16 goes into 232 16 goes in there 14 with 8 left over
hexadecimal numbers are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 14 corresponds to E
so the second number is 'E' 3Ex
the leftover '8' goes in the last slot ....it represents 160 x 8 with no leftover
so our hex equivalent of 1000 becomes 3 E 8