
Some of the following integers are prime.  Select all the prime integers in the list.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 Jun 15, 2024

Best Answer 


A prime number is a number only divisble by 1 and itself. 

Let's take a look at the numbers we have. 


First, we have \(1\). It is only divisble by 1 and itself, but it only has one true factor since \(1=1*1\), so it is not consdered prime. 

Next, we have 2. It is divisble as \(2 = 2*1\), so it is prime. 


Going through the list, \(3= (3*1), 5 = (5*1), 7=(1*7)\) are all prime numbers. 

However, \(4 = (2*2), 6 = (2*3), 8 = (2*4), 9=(3*3), 10=(2*5)\)are all composite numbers. 


So our final answer is \(2,3,5,7\)


Thanks! :)

 Jun 16, 2024
Best Answer

A prime number is a number only divisble by 1 and itself. 

Let's take a look at the numbers we have. 


First, we have \(1\). It is only divisble by 1 and itself, but it only has one true factor since \(1=1*1\), so it is not consdered prime. 

Next, we have 2. It is divisble as \(2 = 2*1\), so it is prime. 


Going through the list, \(3= (3*1), 5 = (5*1), 7=(1*7)\) are all prime numbers. 

However, \(4 = (2*2), 6 = (2*3), 8 = (2*4), 9=(3*3), 10=(2*5)\)are all composite numbers. 


So our final answer is \(2,3,5,7\)


Thanks! :)

NotThatSmart Jun 16, 2024

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