
87 less than the quotient of an unknown number and 43 is -75.

What is the value of the unknown number?

Help + explanation? I don't understand whether the 43 is the numerator or "the unknown number" (x) is. How do you know which is the numerator and which is the denominator

 Jul 29, 2015

Best Answer 


Let N be the unknown number..."quotient"  means "divided by"...so we have......


N /  43 - 87  = -75      add 87 to both sides


N / 43   =  12        multiply both sides by 43


N = 516



 Jul 30, 2015
Best Answer

Let N be the unknown number..."quotient"  means "divided by"...so we have......


N /  43 - 87  = -75      add 87 to both sides


N / 43   =  12        multiply both sides by 43


N = 516



CPhill Jul 30, 2015

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