
On monday, Tanya counted the number of 10-cent coins, 20-cent coins and 50-cent coins in her piggy bank. The number of 10-cent coins was 24 more than the number of 50-cent coins. On tuesday, Tanya spent 3 over

5 of the 10-cent coins, 1 over 4 of the 20-cent coins and 18 50-cent coins. Tanya then found that she had an equal number of 10-cent coins and 20-cent coins. The number of 50-cent coin now formed 40% of all the coins she had left.

(a)Tanya had how many 10-cent coins at first?

 May 1, 2015

Best Answer 


hi guys!

heather is too focused on finding her future self while listening to boring Adolf H****r documentaries (her father's German)

anyways, i can tell what we need to know from the problem and get us started:


-there are 24 more 10 cent coins than 50 cent coins


-3/5 of Monday's 10 cent coins have been spent

-1/4 of Monday's 20 cent coins have been spent

-18 of Monday's 50 cent coins have been spent

-the amount of 10 cent coins and 20 cent coins are equal now after they've been spent

-all the remaining 50 cent coins make up 40% of all remaining coins

okay, we know what we need to know....

the tricky part here is creating an equation

i might come up with one tomorrow, but i know this is one where we need a variable....

uh, this is tricky, we need mellie and MathGod to come over!

in the meantime, I must study with my prototype to crunch some numbers

 May 1, 2015

This is a repost.

You are encourged to ask this but please follow the rules for reposting



If anyone wants to answer that is fine but please do so on the original thread which is here



You can leave a note here saying that you have answered on the original thread.

That would be great.  

Thank you  :)


As for me - it was a really confusing question.  

No other method comes to mind easily.  

Some of the younger members may be able to think of something as their minds are not so trained in algebra as mine is SO it might be easier for them to think laterally :)

Why don't you ask Mellie, she is both young and brilliant.     

MathsGod1 might also like to be invited to have a go.  

Maybe I should challenge other youngsters too e.g.   TitaniumRome, HeatherF  to try tackling your problem.  :)

 May 1, 2015
Best Answer

hi guys!

heather is too focused on finding her future self while listening to boring Adolf H****r documentaries (her father's German)

anyways, i can tell what we need to know from the problem and get us started:


-there are 24 more 10 cent coins than 50 cent coins


-3/5 of Monday's 10 cent coins have been spent

-1/4 of Monday's 20 cent coins have been spent

-18 of Monday's 50 cent coins have been spent

-the amount of 10 cent coins and 20 cent coins are equal now after they've been spent

-all the remaining 50 cent coins make up 40% of all remaining coins

okay, we know what we need to know....

the tricky part here is creating an equation

i might come up with one tomorrow, but i know this is one where we need a variable....

uh, this is tricky, we need mellie and MathGod to come over!

in the meantime, I must study with my prototype to crunch some numbers

TitaniumRome May 1, 2015

Thanks Titanium but  you posted in the wrong spot     


these were my words!

If anyone wants to answer that is fine but please do so on the original thread which is here


 May 1, 2015

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