
When people start a thread with an unpleasant post PLEASE DO NOT ADD your post onto it.

Just send CPhill, Alan or myself the ADDRESS of the post and ask us to delete it.



When we read your message we will do that. :)


An excellent way to modify someones behaviour is to ignore them when they are behaving badly.

 Dec 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 14, 2015
edited by Melody  Dec 14, 2015

Best Answer 


If you respond to people who are calling you names then you are just encouraging them.

If you ignore them they will go look for a target that is more fun.



Some people are targets for bullies and the reason is that the bully finds their responses very funny. 

People who do not respond to bullies do not become repeat targets.

 Dec 14, 2015

Agree. as a troll myself, i know that reactions are basically troll fuel. And even though I do troll a lot, thats on social media. I completely disagree with posting spam on a resource tht even I use.

 Dec 14, 2015

It's kindve hard to ignore when people are callin ya names yo can't slug'em  on social media...

 Dec 14, 2015

if i had to punch someone everytime they called me a name, then there would be OVER 9000 (probably less) people with b****y noses

walking around.

 Dec 14, 2015

Im usually diplomatic but that person went a little to far...

 Dec 14, 2015
Best Answer

If you respond to people who are calling you names then you are just encouraging them.

If you ignore them they will go look for a target that is more fun.



Some people are targets for bullies and the reason is that the bully finds their responses very funny. 

People who do not respond to bullies do not become repeat targets.

Melody Dec 14, 2015

Also people don't usually call me names. According to my friends it's because I dress goth and they said it makes me look intimidating not sure why.

 Dec 14, 2015

how do you send one of you a message?

 Dec 14, 2015

Hi KatieLeigh,

Click on your username in the top right hand croner and you will get a drop down menu.

One of thoes is message centre, you can send a message from there.




You can click on the username that you want to send your message to, it can be on the bottom of your screen if they are logged in or you can click their name on any of their posts.

That will take you to their member page.

At the bottom of that it has the option of sending them a message.

That will take you to the message page and it will open up a new message addressed to them for you to write in.

That is often the easiest way :)

 Dec 14, 2015

okay thank you 

 Dec 14, 2015

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