
1. Andrew and Dustin picked  and  pounds of strawberries, respectively. Their neighbor, Jessica, saw them and asked if she could share the strawberries with them. Andrew and Dustin agreed and the three of them shared the strawberries evenly. After the meal, Jessica gave Andrew and Dustin  to thank them. If Andrew and Dustin distribute the  fairly, how much does Andrew get?


2. The ratio of Peter's age to Richard's age is  The ratio of John's age to Peter's age is  None of the three is over  years old. What is the sum of their ages?


3. The length, width, and height of a rectangular prism are in the ratio . The length is  inches longer than the height. In cubic inches, what is the volume of the prism?


4. There are two types of fish in the pond: koi and tilapia. During the past year, the number of koi has doubled and the number of tilapia has tripled. Now 16% of the fish in the pond are koi. What was the ratio between the numbers of koi and tilapia in the pond a year ago?

Write your answer as a fraction

 Nov 8, 2020


2K /(2K+3T) = .16

2K = .32K+.48T

K/T = .48/1.68 = 2/7          

 Nov 8, 2020

1 Online Users
