
In the array below, in how many different ways can we start with the letter  and move from letter to letter (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), to spell the word "ARCH"?

A  R  C  H
R  R  C  H
C  C  C  H
H  H  H  H


(I think it means the ways we can connect the letters(starting from A) to make ARCH)


nevermind, I've already solved it. 'dunno how to delete a post tho

 Jan 31, 2023
edited by Guest  Jan 31, 2023
edited by Guest  Jan 31, 2023

Starting at the A and working my way out, I got 5 + 15 + 10 = 30 ways of spelling ARCH.

 Jan 31, 2023

Thank you!

Guest Feb 1, 2023

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