
The Highly Improbable Foods Company makes vegetarian versions of burgers, hot dogs, and chicken wings, and they offer two platters. Platter A consists of one burger, three hot dogs, and 5 chicken wings, which costs $16. Platter B consists of two burgers, one hot dog, and 8 chicken wings, which costs $20. A picnic organizer requires 80 hamburgers, 95 hot dogs, and 380 chicken wings. (There can be leftovers, but these are the minimum requirements.) What is the minimum cost (in dollars)?

 Mar 7, 2020

They should order the following Platters:


1 - 25 Platters A =25 x $16 =$400 - which will give them:
     25 burgers + 75 hot dogs + 125 chicken wings


2 - 32 Platters B =32 x $20 =$640 -which will give them:
     64 burgers + 32 hot dogs + 256 chicken wings.


3 - Totals =89 burgers + 107 hot dogs + 381 chicken wings, for a  
     Total cost =[25 x $16] + [32 x $20] =$1,040 - Minimum Cost. 

They will have: 8 burgers + 12 hot dogs + 1 chicken wing =21 servings leftover.

 Mar 7, 2020
edited by Guest  Mar 8, 2020

How's about  20 Platters A and 35 Platters B.

That gets you 90 burgers, 95 hot dogs and 380 chicken wings for a cost of (20*16) + (35*20) = 320 + 700 = $1020.

There will be 10 burgers left over.

 Mar 8, 2020

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