
1. We have that \(3 \cdot f(x) + 4 \cdot g(x) = h(x)\)where f(x),g(x),and h(x) are all polynomials in x If the degree of f(x) is 8 and the degree of h(x) is 9, then what is the minimum possible degree of g(x)

2. Let f, g, and h be polynomials such that \(h(x) = f(x)\cdot g(x)\). If the constant term of f(x)  is -4 and the constant term of h(x) is 3, what is g(0)?

 Mar 18, 2020
edited by qwertyzz  Mar 18, 2020

Could you please repost your question with proper formatting? The question is unreadable as is(which is sometimes the case when problems are copy pasted from other sites onto web2.0)

 Mar 18, 2020

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