
A regular dodecahedron \(P_1 P_2 P_3 \dotsb P_{12}\) is inscribed in a circle with radius 1. Compute \((P_1 P_2)^2 + (P_1 P_3)^2 + \dots + (P_{11} P_{12})^2.\) (The sum includes all terms of the form \((P_i P_j)^2,\) where \(1 \le i < j \le 12.\)

There was another post with the same question but had the wrong answer

 Mar 22, 2020

Hint; " Sums of squares of lengths should make you think of what?"

 Mar 22, 2020

Nice, Guest! Another hint would be:


Since a dodecahedron is inscribed in a circle with radius one, \((P_1 P_2)^2 + (P_1 P_3)^2 + \dots + (P_{11} P_{12})^2.\) would be TWO dodecahedrons.

 Mar 22, 2020

Would the answer just be equal to the perimeter of the dodecahedron times two?

Guest Mar 22, 2020

Squared, so technically two dodecahedrons, I think.

CalTheGreat  Mar 22, 2020

I calculated the perimeter of the dodecagon. The answer is not the sum of two dodecagons, but nice try Cal!

AnExtremelyLongName  Mar 30, 2020

still not sure how to find the perimeter of the dodecahedron xd

 Mar 22, 2020

A regular dodecahedron has 12 congruent sides.

If the center of the circle is C, draw all the radii from C to each of the points P1, P2, ... P12.

Each of the triangles formed will be congruent to each other.

Consider the triangle, triangle(CP1P2).

Side CP1 = 1 and side CP2 = 1.

The central angle angle(P1CP2) = 30o.    (360o / 12o  =  30o)

Use the Law of Cosines on this triangle to find side P1P2:

     (P1P2)2  =  (CP1)2 + (CP2)2 - 2·(CP1)·(CP2)·cos( angle(P1CP2) )

     (P1P2)2  =  12 + 12 - 2·1·1·sqrt(3)/2

Find this value and multiply by 12.

 Mar 23, 2020

A regular dodecahedron \(P_1 P_2 P_3 \dotsb P_{12}\) is inscribed in a circle with radius \(1\).
Compute  \((P_1 P_2)^2 + (P_1 P_3)^2 + \dots + (P_{11} P_{12})^2\).
(The sum includes all terms of the form \((P_i P_j)^2\), where \(1 \le i < j \le 12\).


\(\small{ \begin{array}{|lrcll|} \hline \mathbf{\text{Compute}} \\ \hline &s=(P_1 P_2)^2 + (P_1 P_3)^2+(P_1 P_4)^2+(P_1 P_5)^2+(P_1 P_6)^2+(P_1 P_7)^2+(P_1 P_8)^2+(P_1 P_9)^2+(P_1 P_{10})^2+(P_1 P_{11})^2+(P_1 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_2 P_3)^2+(P_2 P_4)^2+(P_2 P_5)^2+(P_2 P_6)^2+(P_2 P_7)^2+(P_2 P_8)^2+(P_2 P_9)^2+(P_2 P_{10})^2+(P_2 P_{11})^2+(P_2 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_3 P_4)^2+(P_3 P_5)^2+(P_3 P_6)^2+(P_3 P_7)^2+(P_3 P_8)^2+(P_3 P_9)^2+(P_3 P_{10})^2+(P_3 P_{11})^2+(P_3 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_4 P_5)^2+(P_4 P_6)^2+(P_4 P_7)^2+(P_4 P_8)^2+(P_4 P_9)^2+(P_4 P_{10})^2+(P_4 P_{11})^2+(P_4 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_5 P_6)^2+(P_5 P_7)^2+(P_5 P_8)^2+(P_5 P_9)^2+(P_5 P_{10})^2+(P_5 P_{11})^2+(P_5 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_6 P_7)^2+(P_6 P_8)^2+(P_6 P_9)^2+(P_6 P_{10})^2+(P_6 P_{11})^2+(P_6 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_7 P_8)^2+(P_7 P_9)^2+(P_7 P_{10})^2+(P_7 P_{11})^2+(P_7 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_8 P_9)^2+(P_8 P_{10})^2+(P_8 P_{11})^2+(P_8 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_9 P_{10})^2+(P_9 P_{11})^2+(P_9 P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_{10} P_{11})^2+(P_{10} P_{12})^2 \\ & +(P_{11} P_{12})^2 \\ \hline \end{array} }\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline (P_1 P_2)=(P_2 P_3)=(P_3 P_4)=(P_4 P_5)=(P_5 P_6)=(P_6 P_7)=(P_7 P_8) \\ =(P_8 P_9)=(P_9 P_{10})=(P_{10} P_{11})=(P_{11} P_{12})=(P_1 P_{12})= 2*\sin(15^\circ) \\\\ (P_1 P_2)=(P_2 P_4)=(P_3 P_5)=(P_4 P_6)=(P_5 P_7)=(P_6 P_8)=(P_7 P_9) \\ =(P_8 P_{10})=(P_9 P_{11})=(P_{10} P_{12})=(P_{1} P_{11})=(P_2 P_{12})= 2*\sin(30^\circ) \\\\ (P_1 P_4)=(P_2 P_5)=(P_3 P_6)=(P_4 P_7)=(P_5 P_8)=(P_6 P_9)=(P_7 P_{10}) \\ =(P_8 P_{11})=(P_9 P_{12})=(P_{1} P_{10})=(P_{2} P_{11})=(P_3 P_{12})= 2*\sin(45^\circ) \\\\ (P_1 P_5)=(P_2 P_6)=(P_3 P_7)=(P_4 P_8)=(P_5 P_9)=(P_6 P_{10})=(P_7 P_{11}) \\ =(P_8 P_{12})=(P_1 P_{9})=(P_{2} P_{10})=(P_{3} P_{11})=(P_5 P_{12})= 2*\sin(60^\circ) \\\\ (P_1 P_6)=(P_2 P_7)=(P_3 P_8)=(P_4 P_9)=(P_5 P_{10})=(P_6 P_{11})=(P_7 P_{12}) \\ =(P_1 P_{8})=(P_2 P_{9})=(P_{3} P_{10})=(P_{4} P_{11})=(P_5 P_{12})= 2*\sin(75^\circ) \\\\ (P_1 P_7)=(P_2 P_8)=(P_3 P_9)=(P_4 P_{10})=(P_5 P_{11})=(P_6 P_{12})= 2*\sin(90^\circ)=2 \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline s&=& 12*(2*\sin(15^\circ))^2 + 12*(2*\sin(30^\circ))^2+12*(2*\sin(45^\circ))^2 \\ && +12*(2*\sin(60^\circ))^2 +12*(2*\sin(75^\circ))^2+6*(2*\sin(90^\circ))^2 \\\\ s&=& 48\sin^2(15^\circ) + 48\sin^2(30^\circ)+48\sin^2(45^\circ) \\ && +48\sin^2(60^\circ) + 48\sin^2(75^\circ)+24 \\\\ s&=& 48\left( \sin^2(15^\circ) + \sin^2(30^\circ)+\sin^2(45^\circ)+\sin^2(60^\circ) + \sin^2(75^\circ) \right) +24 \\\\ s&=& 48\left( \sin^2(15^\circ) + \sin^2(30^\circ)+\sin^2(45^\circ)+\cos^2(30^\circ) + \cos^2(15^\circ) \right) +24 \\\\ s&=& 48\left( \sin^2(15^\circ) + \cos^2(15^\circ) + \sin^2(30^\circ)+\cos^2(30^\circ)+\sin^2(45^\circ)\right) +24 \\\\ s&=& 48\left( 2+\sin^2(45^\circ)\right) +24 \quad | \quad \sin(45^\circ)=\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \\\\ s&=& 48\left( 2+\dfrac{1}{2}\right) +24 \\\\ s&=& \dfrac{48*5}{2} +24 \\\\ s&=& 24*5 +24 \\\\ s&=& 24*6 \\\\ \mathbf{s}&=& \mathbf{144} \\\\ \mathbf{s} &=& \mathbf{12^2} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The sum is \(\mathbf{12^2 = 144}\)



 Mar 24, 2020

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