  1. A rectangular prism has a volume of 432 cubic feet. Two of the dimensions of the rectangular prism are the same measure. The other dimension is equal to the sum of the other two dimensions. What are the prism's dimensions?
  2. The height of a cylindrical can is 2.25 inches times the measure of the can's diameter. The volume of the cylinder is 52.18 in3 . What are the can's dimensions? Use 3.14 for π. 
  3. The diameter of a cylindrical water tank is half the measure of the cylinder's height. The tank has a volume of 1570 cubic feet. Find the height of the tank. Use 3.14 for π. 
  4. A swimming pool in the shape of a rectangular prism has a bottom, no top, two square sides, and two rectangular sides with a length equal to twice the length of the square sides. All four sides share a common height. The total area of the five sides is 288 ft2 . Find the volume of the swimming pool. 



 Dec 5, 2018
edited by Bleh674  Dec 5, 2018



V=Length x Height x Width
Length = a
Height = a
Width =2a
432 =a^2 * 2a
432 =2a^3
a^3 =432 / 2
a^3 =216             Take the 3rd root of both sides:
a = 216^(1/3)
a = 6 ft. the length and the height of the rectangular prism.
Width =6 x 2 = 12 ft. the width of the rectangular prism.

 Dec 5, 2018

Thank you so much!

Bleh674  Dec 6, 2018

You don't have to do the even numbers :) (except for 14 ofc)

 Dec 6, 2018

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