
How many ways are there for a club with 101 members to elect a pair of co-presidents?

For our next couple of problems, we’re going to use a deck of playing cards as an example. In case anyone does not know, a standard American deck of cards contains 52 cards in four “suits”:

♣ clubs

♦ diamonds

♥ hearts

♠ spades


Each card also has a “rank”. There are 13 ranks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J (jack), Q (queen), K (king), A (ace). Every suit-rank combination occurs in the deck, so a typical card might be called “the 7 of clubs” or “the queen of hearts”.


The jack, queen, and king are called face cards.

 May 16, 2020

Never mind

 May 16, 2020

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