
If you have an 8 oz. container of powdered substance (stuff to clean my turtle tank-----it is made for huge ponds and I am reducing  the amount for an indoor aquarium of 70 gallons---instead of an 8-20,000 gallon pond) I know that the container holds 160 'servings' of the treatment, but I do not know how much of the treatment to use. One ounce of it treats a 1,000 gallon pond.....so, even with me being a math wiz, I am not getting this one....I am thinking it is not more than a pinch of it or so. And not really any true tool to meausure it, as it may be much smaller than even an eigth of a teaspoon of it. Since it is used often, I do not want ot over dose my poor turtles.....Thanks for all of your help....  Hugs......Janet Keller

 Jun 20, 2016

The way I understand it, is that one ounce cleans 1,000 gallons. But you only have an indoor aquarium with 70 gallons. Therefore, you need to use only:

70/1000 x 1 ounce=.07 of an ounce. How much is that? You have to convert it to grams to have any idea how much that is. 1 ounce=28.35 grams, so we have:

.07 x 28.35 =about 2 grams. You have to have a  very sensitive scale to measure 2 grams, which is about the weight of a paperclip!. Good luck to you.

 Jun 20, 2016

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