A 20 centimeter pendulum swings in front of a metric ruler. The bob(Weight on the end of the pendulum) is releases from a position of 36 centimeters. It swings to the 14 centimeter positionbefore winging back to 36 centimeters.

What is the period of the pendulum?=
2pi sqrt(20cm/(980(cm/s^2)))= 9 sec.

How did they get that answer? Could you show all the steps? Plz and thanks
 Nov 14, 2013
A 20 centimeter pendulum swings in front of a metric ruler. The bob(Weight on the end of the pendulum) is releases from a position of 36 centimeters. It swings to the 14 centimeter positionbefore winging back to 36 centimeters.
What is the period of the pendulum?=
2pi sqrt(20cm/(980(cm/s^2)))= 9 sec.

To tell you the truth I don't even understand most of this question eg where is the 36cm and 14 cm measured from?

Anyway, I googled it and came up with this web page

It says that T=2pi[sqrt( l/g )]
where l is the length of the pendulum so l = 20cm
and g = gravity = 9.8m/s 2 = 980cm/s 2
T = 2pi[sqrt (20/980)]
T = 2pi (1/7)
T = 0.897 seconds approx
T = 0.9 sec approx

Since I don't understand your question I really couldn't say if this is correct.
 Nov 14, 2013

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