
Some of the following integers are prime.  Select all the prime integers in the list.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 Jun 14, 2024

Best Answer 


A prime number is only divisble by 1 and itself. 


First, let's look at 1. 

Even though it is divisible by 1, it only has one true factor, meaning it is not prime. 


Next, we have 2. Two is only divisble by 1 and itself, so it qualifies. 


Following this pattern, \(3=(3*1), 5=(5*1), 7=(7*1)\) are all prime. 

However, \(4 = 2*2, 6=2*3, 8=2*4, 9=3*3, 10=2*5\)are all what we call composite. 


Thus, we have \(2,3,5,7\) as our prime numbers. 


Thanks! :)

 Jun 14, 2024
Best Answer

A prime number is only divisble by 1 and itself. 


First, let's look at 1. 

Even though it is divisible by 1, it only has one true factor, meaning it is not prime. 


Next, we have 2. Two is only divisble by 1 and itself, so it qualifies. 


Following this pattern, \(3=(3*1), 5=(5*1), 7=(7*1)\) are all prime. 

However, \(4 = 2*2, 6=2*3, 8=2*4, 9=3*3, 10=2*5\)are all what we call composite. 


Thus, we have \(2,3,5,7\) as our prime numbers. 


Thanks! :)

NotThatSmart Jun 14, 2024

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