
Triangle XYZ is equilateral, with O as its center. A point P is chosen at random. Find the probability that P is closer to point O than to any of the side lengths.

 Jun 1, 2024

Best Answer 


Let's draw a diagram. 


The Green part is where the points would satisfy the conditions. 


There are 18 triangles congruent to each other in this graph. If we count, 12 of them are in the green area. 


Thus, we have \(\frac{12}{18} = \frac{2}{3}\)


Thanks! :)


~Oh, and thank you Melody for the graph

 Jun 1, 2024
edited by NotThatSmart  Jun 1, 2024
Best Answer

Let's draw a diagram. 


The Green part is where the points would satisfy the conditions. 


There are 18 triangles congruent to each other in this graph. If we count, 12 of them are in the green area. 


Thus, we have \(\frac{12}{18} = \frac{2}{3}\)


Thanks! :)


~Oh, and thank you Melody for the graph

NotThatSmart Jun 1, 2024
edited by NotThatSmart  Jun 1, 2024

Very nice......this one always stumped me  !!!!


cool cool cool

CPhill  Jun 1, 2024

I mean, it is credits to Melody. Her answer helped me understand it!

NotThatSmart  Jun 1, 2024

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