Jayden rolls a dice 270 times how many times does he roll a 5
 Feb 3, 2017

Best Answer 


If he is rolling a DIE   he has 1/6th chance of getting a 5     1/6 x 270 = 45  out of 270 rolls


If he is rolling a PAIR of DICE  he has a 4 out of 36 chanc eof rolling 5    4/36 x 270 = 30 out of 270 rolls

 Feb 3, 2017

A dice has 6 sides so the probability of getting a 5 is 1/6, so divide 270 by 6. 270÷6=45. Jayden will roll a five 45 times.

 Feb 3, 2017
Best Answer

If he is rolling a DIE   he has 1/6th chance of getting a 5     1/6 x 270 = 45  out of 270 rolls


If he is rolling a PAIR of DICE  he has a 4 out of 36 chanc eof rolling 5    4/36 x 270 = 30 out of 270 rolls

ElectricPavlov Feb 3, 2017

I read it as one die too, Darkfox....but EP's second interpretation could also be correct....


Whatever.....good answers....!!!!!




cool cool cool

 Feb 3, 2017

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