
There's a group of people in the desert and they need a letter from another place. (there's no exact number for how many people or how many days it would take to get the the other place)

Each person can only carry a one-trip supply of food and water. (so let's say if one person went to get the letter, they wouldn't have anymore food or water to make the trip back because they only can bring a one trip supply of food and water, they can't carry anymore)


What is the least amount of people that can go to get the letter? 

There can't be anyone that dies from starvation, you can have a group of people go then another group of people can go after them. Edit: Other people can give others some of there food as long as they don’t die of starvation, and you can refill at the starting point.(yes this has to do with math)

 Jun 28, 2018
edited by twistedtree  Jun 29, 2018
edited by twistedtree  Jun 29, 2018

Can different travelers give some of their supply to other travelers they meet during their journey?



EDIT: can travelers "refill" their supply when they get back to the starting point?

 Jun 28, 2018
edited by Guest  Jun 28, 2018

well if there were two people that were going and the 2nd person gave the 1st person some of his food around the middle of the time when there walking to get the letter, the 2nd person wouldn't have enough food to get to the mail.

twistedtree  Jun 28, 2018

but they can do that as long as nobody starves, right?


also, can they "refill" their supplies when they get to the starting point?

Guest Jun 28, 2018

when you mean the starting point i'm guessing you mean where the letter is, the answer is no.

twistedtree  Jun 28, 2018

no im talking about the place they need to bring the letter to

Guest Jun 28, 2018

ok lets say it's been 2 days, if they go back to refill the supply they lose 4 days, no matter because they can refill, but since there back at the start they still have to travel the same amount of days to get the letter so yes they could, but it's kind of a waste of time.



EDIT: while I was doing the problem, you could have, for example, 3 people, and lets say it takes them 20 days, after 5 days, each person would have 15 boxes of food, one of the people could give 5 to one and 5 to the other and then go back to the base with 5 boxes to get back so it would work. I still don’t know the answer though -_-

twistedtree  Jun 28, 2018
edited by twistedtree  Jun 29, 2018

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