A piece of rope is placed on the ground at the equator and runs all the way round the Earth.It is then cut, and 1 metre is added.Now we ask everyone around Earth to stand equally placed apart and lift the rope,how high will they be able to lift it?
d = 12 472km
r = 6 236km
p = d * pi = 12472×π=39181.9435755719012701
Let's add a meter:
(1m = 1/1000km)
And back to the diameter:
We have ~3.197 Meter more.
We can lift it now by 1.5985 Meter on each side.
If h is the height it can be lifted, then we have:
Original circumference = pi*d where d is diameter of the earth.
New circumference = pi*(d+2h) since the new diameter is d+2h.
New - Old circumference: pi*(d + 2h) - pi*d = 1m so that pi*2h = 1m or h = 1/(2pi) m or h ≈ 0.159m
(xerxes, your next to last line should say "We have ∼0.3197 meters more).
sorry xerxes,answer is simply 1metre/2pi.
Here's the solution; let Earth's circumference be 2pi R. New circumference then is 2pi (R + delta R) where delta R is the height we want to find.
so 2pi R + 1 metre= 2pi(R+ deltaR),the 2pi R 's cancel out,giving 2pi delta R = 1 metre,so delta R,the height,is 1 metre /2pi. We did not need to know the Earth's circumference in order to solve the problem.