\small\text{ $ \sin{ ( 12^{12^{14}} \ensurement{^{\circ}} ) } \\ =\sin{ ( 12^{ 168 } \ensurement{^{\circ}} ) } \\ = \sin{ ( 216 \ensurement{^{\circ}} ) } \\ = -0.587785252292 $ }}
I like that Heureka. I would not thought to have used the mod function for this. Thanks ;)
Why is your answer different from Happy's answer?
Hi Melody,
here is the solution from WolframAlpha:
I think, the argument (12^12)^14 is to big for our calculator. But the mod - function is correct and departs from the argument multiple from 360 degrees.
The formula is sin(α)=sin(α±n∗360\ensurement∘)
Thanks heureka,
This post is not just for heureka
I am still a little confused. Is there a glitch in the calculator? Why wasn't happy's answer the same?
Okay so why was mod function necessary - was it just that the sine function could not handle an angle that was so huge?