
What is the solution to the equation 15(x3+x2)=-5x24(x3+2)?

 May 13, 2015

Best Answer 


You are right up until the very last step shaniab29544.  On the next to last step you have x3 = 9.  Because the 3 comes after the x we assume this means x to the power 3 (at least that is what heureka and I have assumed), so x-cubed = 9.  This means that x is the cube root of 9 or 3√9.  

If you prefer to interpret this as just x times 3 then we would have x times 3 = 9 so that x would be 9 divided by 3, or x = 3.


 May 16, 2015

What is the solution to the equation 1−5(x3+x2)=-5x2−4(x3+2) ?

1-5(x^3+x^2) &=& -5x^2-4(x^3+2) \\\\
1-5(x^3+x^2) + 5x^2 +4(x^3+2) &=& 0\\\\
1 - 5x^3 - 5x^2 + 5x^2 + 4x^3 + 8 &=& 0 \\\\
-5x^3 - 5x^2 + 5x^2 + 4x^3 + 9 &=& 0 \\\\
-5x^3 \underbrace{- 5x^2 + 5x^2}_{=0} + 4x^3 + 9 &=& 0 \\\\
-5x^3 + 4x^3 + 9 &=& 0 \\\\
-x^3 + 9 &=& 0 \\\\
9 &=& x^3 \\\\
x^3 &=& 9 \qquad | \qquad \sqrt[3]{}\\\\
x &=& \sqrt[3]{9}\\\\
x &=& 2.0800838231
\mathbf{ x = 2.0800838231 }$$

 May 13, 2015

Another beautifully presented answer.  Thank you Heureka  

 May 14, 2015

it wrong

 May 15, 2015

What makes you think it's wrong shaniab29544?  


heureka has given the correct real number root (there are two other roots, but they are complex).


 May 15, 2015

it like this  i think 

1−5(x3+x2)=-5x2−4(x3+2)1−5x3−5x2=-5x2−4x3−81−5x2=-5x2+x3−89−5x2=-5x2+x39=x3       27=x

 May 15, 2015
Best Answer

You are right up until the very last step shaniab29544.  On the next to last step you have x3 = 9.  Because the 3 comes after the x we assume this means x to the power 3 (at least that is what heureka and I have assumed), so x-cubed = 9.  This means that x is the cube root of 9 or 3√9.  

If you prefer to interpret this as just x times 3 then we would have x times 3 = 9 so that x would be 9 divided by 3, or x = 3.


Alan May 16, 2015

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