OK so I"m having some difficulty with 10th grade ratios currently, this question in particular: (keep in mind that the / is a sign for what I think are ratios)
(x + 5)/16 = 32/5
Any help would be much appreciated!
 Nov 13, 2013
OK so I"m having some difficulty with 10th grade ratios currently, this question in particular: (keep in mind that the / is a sign for what I think are ratios)
(x + 5)/16 = 32/5
Any help would be much appreciated!

The wording of ratios can be tricky.
Say you have 6L of diluted orange juice (that's orange juice and water)
If the concentration of orange is 1 in 3 then 1/3 is orange (the 3 represents the total)
The is 2L of pure orange mixed with 4L of water.
this means that the ratio of orange to water is 1 to 2 written as 1:2

If I say that the ratio 2:3 is equivalent to the ration x:12
I can solve this using fracions
2/3 = x/12
2/x = 3/12
12/3 = x/2
all of those would be correct.
But, 2:3 is not the same as 2/3
Do you get what I am trying to say?
(x + 5)/16 = 32/5
so is your question actually
The ratio of (x+5) to 15 is equivalent to the ratio of 32 to 5. Find x?
(x+5) : 15 is equivalent to the ratio of 32 : 5

This is not the same as the fraction you set up BUT it can be solved using the fraction you set up.

(x + 5)/16 = 32/5
Now, do you need help with the actual algebra?
multiply both sides by 16*5 This will get rid of the fractions
Then expand the bracket
Then hopefully you can finish it.
 Nov 13, 2013

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