
Just assume the triangles are equilateral and that it isn't squiggly because I drew it.


Solve for the center square thingy




I got the answer of \(\frac{1}{2}\) but apparently it was wrong...


Please explain!!!

 Apr 9, 2019

If the side length is 2...the center of the square is   1,1     ....is that what you are looking for????

 Apr 9, 2019

CU...it might be easier if we  just considered this :


{BTW....this is not a "square " ...it's a rhombus]



Note that triangles ABC  and FGC are similar


And the height of ABC  =  sqrt (3)


And note that FG   is 1 unit above AB


So....the height of FGC  must just be  [ sqrt (3) - 1]




height of FGC         1/2 base of FGC

___________  =    _______________

height of ABC           1/2 base of ABC


[sqrt(3) - 1 ]          (1/2 ) base FGC

__________  =     _____________

    sqrt (3)                         1


So  (1/2) base   FGC  =     [ sqrt (3) - 1] / sqrt (3)

So...its area must be   its height * (1/2) its base  =


[ sqrt (3) - 1 ] [sqrt (3) - 1 ] / sqrt (3)  =  [ 3 - 2sqrt (3) + 1 ] / sqrt (3)  =  [ 4 - 2 sqrt (3)] / sqrt (3)


So...by symmetry.....the area of the rhombus must be twice this  = [ 8 - 4sqrt(3)] / sqrt (3)  units^2


cool cool cool

 Apr 9, 2019

Thank you CPhill! That is the explanation I am looking for!

 Apr 9, 2019

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