Please help me because this(^) question is already locked.
I've opened it max but I do not know how long it will stay open for.
Thank you Melody :)
Hi Max: Mathematica 11 gives this and says LHS =RHS but no other explanation. Sorry about that:
8 log(Γ(3/4)/Γ(5/4)) - log(1280/81) = 4 log(2) + 4 log(3) - log(5) - 8 log(π) + 16 log(Γ(3/4))
Proving the integral to be LHS is more feasible. Thanks for the help, I haven't tried rewriting the right hand side.
I asked it to simplify the RHS and it gave these: log(1296/5) - 8 log(π) + 16 log(Γ(3/4)) log(331776/5) + 8 (log(π) - 2 log(Γ(1/4))) -log(5) + 4 log(6) - 8 log(π) + 16 log(Γ(3/4)) = -0.34774389941635582079534116072897304565732004913773310141