
Suppose you have 10 circular discs, each of equal radius, and each with one letter of TENLETTERS written on it. Arrange the discs in an arbitrary chain spelling out the word TENLETTERS. Each disc can only touch its neighbouring discs, and must only touch tangentially. No discs can overlap each other. The discs must close up so that the final S just touches the first T.

Now suppose you have another disc of exactly half the radius of the TENLETTERS discs. Place the bomb disc at some place along the chain so that it is just touching (without overlapping) one of the discs and is on the outside of the chain.

Now roll the bomb disc once around the chain clockwise (without slipping and without sliding, with the bomb disc maintaining contact with the chain) until it returns to exactly where it started. The shape of the chain is such that the bomb disc touches every one of the letter discs during its motion.

How many times will the image on the bomb disc have rotated when it returns to exactly where the disc started?

 Feb 1, 2017
edited by Guest  Feb 1, 2017
edited by Guest  Feb 1, 2017
edited by Guest  Feb 1, 2017
edited by Guest  Feb 1, 2017


 Feb 6, 2017

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